Hide individual photos in a gallery

  • Updated

Have a few photos you'd rather keep to yourself? Go ahead and add them to SmugMug with the rest, but use the Hide feature so your visitors only see the best.


While logged in, you'll see a wrench icon in your photo tools menu. This is located on the left in your Lightbox view or to the bottom right of your selected image in SmugMug style. Click the wrench to open the photo tools menu, then select Hide



Change your mind? Once hidden, you can undo it the same way you set it above. Click the wrench icon and then click Show. How will you know which images you've hidden? We'll show you with a small icon of a crossed-out eye.

FYI: While the photo will be instantly hidden from your SmugMug gallery, it may take longer for it to disappear from other places such as "Most Popular Photos." But it will, promise.

Also, hidden photos will be included in your gallery backup files.

Tip: Don't hide your bio photo or header photo or we won't be able to use them.

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