Go pro with extra features

  • Updated

We love that you're a pro photographer using SmugMug. You get a ton of features with your annual (or monthly) subscription, but there may be some additional costs you accrue depending on how much profit you make and what features you use. We call those pro services, and here's what they include.

What pro services will cost me money, and when do I get charged?
These features are available only with the Pro-level account with Bay Photo, WHCC, or Loxley Colour, designed to help you sell more and make more money. Due to the additional complexity involved, there's a nominal charge for the following:

  • Boutique packaging: $7 per order, per lab (£6 for Loxley Colour).
  • Coupons: Whenever you use shipping coupons, and any time your coupon causes the order total to drop below the base cost + SmugMug's 15% commission on the items being purchased, you'll be charged the balance due.
  • Order branding: $1 per order, per lab, for stickers and thank-you prints (cart branding is free).

Why don't you take it out of my pro profits? 
We do! We try very hard to not charge you, so we always deduct pro-service charges from your profits first. Your credit card is only billed if your profits don't cover these costs.

When do you charge my credit card if my profits don't cover the pro-service charges?
We process charges to the credit card on your SmugMug account for pro services twice a month, around the 1st and the 15th. 

I don't want to be billed for anything other than my Pro subscription.
If that's the case, we suggest you don't use the features listed above. They come highly recommended, but they aren't required to run a successful business on SmugMug. Here's how to disable them:

  1. Don't create any coupons, or manually expire active ones by setting expiry dates in the past.
  2. Be sure your thank-you print and sticker-order branding settings are unchecked.
  3. To disable boutique packaging, just toggle it Off in your Selling Tools.

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