Jumbula - Customize Your Site

  • Updated

Now that you're all set up with your new Jumbula SmugMug site, the next step you may want to consider is customizing the site to make it your own. This is a great time to set up your site with colors of your program's branding. With the details below, learn about our ready to use designs, how to change your fonts and colors, and change up how your photos display within your galleries.

The details on this page are a great stepping stone as you get started with your Jumbula SmugMug site. Anytime you are ready, we have a full section for all SmugMug account types, with details on all of the available options for personalizing your site, available in these articles.

Ready To Use Designs.

Your site starts out with the Shadow design. Looking to make a change? We've got you covered with 26 ready to use designs! These designs can always be further customized to your preference.

  1. First you'll want to view your Site Homepage to get started.
  2. At the top are your current and saved designs. Scroll down to view the additional options.
  3. Click on any design template to preview. 
  4. Select Back to choose another, or select Choose This Design to proceed.
  5. Next, click on Publish to go live with the new design, or Customize to make further personal edits.


Additional details and examples are available in this article. Preview any of the designs here.


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Fonts and Colors.

Changing your theme is a quick way to update your site, perhaps to align with your programs branding!

  1. View your Site Homepage
    • Site > Customize Design button > Theme tab
  2. Hover your mouse over the current Active Theme > click the wrench icon to edit this theme.
  3. Or, browse the Available Themes, finding one that you love, and even then, you can select it and make personal edits, afterward, saving it as your new custom theme.


Themes you save will be available for you anytime in the My Themes section.

Additional details and options are available in this article



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Add a Logo.

Wether you've decided to change your site design, or change any other fonts and colors, you always have the option to add a logo with the Logo Content Block.

  1. View your Site Homepage
    • Site > Customize Design button > Entire Site (upper right) > Content tab
  2. Hover your mouse over the current Logo content block on the page > wrench icon to edit
  3. If no logo is currently set up, instead you'll click on the Content tab, expand the Design section and drag/drop a Logo content block onto the page. Hover your mouse over the content block and select the wrench icon.
  4. Choose to update the text, or click on the Image tab and update the logo as an image instead.
    • A great way to bring in the brand of your program!


More details about all the content block options are available in this article



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Gallery Design Settings.

How your photos display in your gallery can be customized with a number of options. Your site design has started out with our default gallery style, Collage Landscape. This is our most popular design, and a great option to utilize for your program site!

There are ways to customize the look and feel of your Collage Landscape design, such as the size of the photos displayed, the spacing between those photos, and more.

  1. View any gallery on your site
    • Gallery > Customize Design > hover mouse over the Gallery Content Block > wrench icon
  2. Choose Collage Landscape (or any other style you use and prefer to edit)
  3. Scroll through the options to change spacing, photo size, info style and more.


Curious about our other gallery styles? Or more details about customizing options for the styles? Check those out here!



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Feature (Thumbnail) Image for Folders and Galleries.

Your folders and galleries for Jumbula are created when you set up session in your Jumbula account. A feature image will be automatically selected from the photos you upload for the folders and galleries within your Jumbula content, however these can be changed at anytime.

  1. Visit the Organizer
  2. Select a Folder or GallerySettings button
  3. Basic tab
  4. Click on the Feature Image icon > picker will open
  5. Select from the available images to choose a new feature image for that folder or gallery


Full details are available in this article at anytime.

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